I began my AAT journey in 2022 when I obtained a job as an Apprentice Accounting Technician with Cornwall Council and studied for my Level 2. In February 2024 I moved learning providers to Accountancy Learning and am now working towards my Level 3. I have found once a fortnight at College and once a fortnight studying online a combination that works really well for me and I have thrived in my studies since enrolling with Accountancy Learning. Alongside my studies and my full-time Apprentice job I am also an on-call Firefighter dedicating 120 hours per month to being available for the Fire Service. Balancing all of this can be tricky particularly if I am out all night at a Fire Incident and then have work or college the next day. Working from home enables me to combine work, studies and being an on-call Firefighter. One minute I can be in a meeting at work the next minute rushing to a Fire callout. Life is certainly varied!!