Carbon Reduction Plan & Net Zero Commitment Statement

Accountancy Learning Ltd is committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050.  In order to continue our progress to achieving Net Zero, we have adopted the following carbon reduction objective:


To implement practices that promotes environmental sustainability.  We will maintain high and stable levels of economic growth and employment whilst:

  • Fighting climate change
  • Carbon Emission Reduction/ Road miles reduction
  • Correct Usage and Disposal of Products


This Carbon Reduction Plan has been reviewed and signed off by the Senior Management Team (SMT).

Actions to be implemented:


Reduce Single-Use Plastics

  • Identify sources of single-use plastics in the delivery of our apprenticeships.
  • Educate staff and students on the importance of reducing single-use plastics through emails and posters in centre.
  • Monitor compliance and provide ongoing support and reminders.



Organisational recycling

  • Establish clear recycling protocols and provide labelled bins for plastics, cardboard, and other recyclable materials within our training centres and offices.
  • Provide posters in training centres to educate and encourage staff to follow proper recycling practices.



Remote Learning

  • Transition as many apprenticeship learning materials to a digital format as possible, taking into account learning styles and reasonable adjustments for our learners.
  • All our in-person delivery training centres are located within city centres with very good public transport links.
  • All students are offered the opportunity to learn remotely therefore no commuting.
  • Provide necessary technical support to ensure smooth transition to online learning platforms. Moodle support ad guides available for students.
  • Continue to champion our flexi apprenticeship delivery model so that more employers can take advantage of this offering and thus reducing road miles.



Promotion of Remote or Hybrid Working

  • Encourage staff to work remotely or adopt hybrid working arrangements.
  • Provide training on remote work best practices and tools.
  • Offer incentives for staff who choose sustainable commuting options or participate in remote work initiatives. e.g. Cyle to work schemes.
  • Regularly review and adjust policies based on feedback and changing circumstances.



Digitalise learning materials

  • Transition all learning materials to digital formats. We have already digitalised a large proportion of our level 2 and level 3 AAT materials to online versions therefore decreasing the use of physical books and postage and packaging.
  • Provide digital access to textbooks and resources. We also offer our transcripts and progress tests in PDF form style therefore reducing the printing needs.
  • Encourage staff and students to utilise online platforms for collaboration and resource sharing. E.g. share point, Microsoft teams where possible to avoid road miles.
  • Monitor paper usage and track progress towards paper-free goals.



Transition to Paper-Free Model

  • Conduct a comprehensive review of all organisational processes to identify areas where paper usage can be reduced or eliminated.
  • Implement digital solutions for administrative tasks such as document management and communication.
  • Provide training and support for staff to adapt to paper-free workflows.
  • Regularly assess progress and refine strategies as needed.

By the end of 2025


Packaging reduction

  • Review all packaging materials used for learning resources and promotional materials.
  • Transition to recyclable or compostable packaging options where feasible.
  • Collaborate with suppliers to source eco-friendly packaging alternatives.
  • Communicate with staff and students about the importance of recycling packaging materials.


Implementation Strategies:

Education and Awareness: Conduct regular training sessions and awareness campaigns to educate staff and students about the importance of carbon reduction and sustainable practices.

Partnerships and Collaboration: Collaborate with local authorities, environmental organizations, and industry partners to share best practices, access resources, and support community initiatives.

Monitoring and Evaluation: Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to track progress towards carbon reduction goals. Regularly assess and evaluate the effectiveness of implemented strategies and adjust as needed.

Continuous Improvement: Foster a culture of innovation and continuous improvement to identify new opportunities for carbon reduction and sustainability across all aspects of operations.

By implementing these measures with clear timelines and targets, Accountancy Learning ltd can effectively reduce its carbon footprint and contribute to the fight against climate change while promoting a culture of sustainability within its organisation and community.