The length of time you have to wait for your exam results depends on which exam you are sitting…

You will be able to find out your exam results (with a % pass mark, as applicable) by logging into your MyAAT account and viewing your AAT Statement of Achievement. Only you and your training provider can access your AAT Statement of Achievement i.e. an exam centre is not able to tell you whether or not you have passed an exam.

AAT Synoptic Exams and the AAT Foundation exam ‘Using Accounting Software’:

Your results will be available 6 weeks after sitting your exam. Results are released on Fridays, so depending on the day of the week that you sat your exam, could be through a few days over 6 weeks.

There is no need to wait for an exam result before starting studies for another unit, or even sitting another exam!

All other unit exams:

The results are available within 24 hours of you sitting your exam, but often it is much sooner. After finishing your exam, the invigilator at the exam centre will give you a ‘candidate breakdown of results’. This shows you how well you did in each question, ranging from:

To achieve an ‘exceeded’ result, the question must have a value or 10 or more marks i.e. it is not possible to achieve ‘succeeded’ if the question is worth less than 10 marks.

You will not know how many marks you got in each question or if you have done enough to pass.

However, if most questions have scored ‘met’ or ‘exceeded’, it will suggest a ‘pass’.

It will not be possible to determine if an exam has been passed if you have a mixture of results, as the questions all have different weightings.