Enrolment and starting the apprenticeship
This is the easy bit of the process!
Once you have decided to enrol a member of staff onto our apprenticeship programme, we ask you to complete an enrolment request form (you can download this by clicking on the button below) and then submit it to us!
Our programmes are “roll-on-roll-off”, so your member of staff can start their apprenticeship at any time of the year. The duration will also be flexed to suit the requirements of both you and your Apprentice (also taking into account the potential progression plans).
On receipt of the enrolment request form:
- If we haven’t already spoken with you, we will also organise an introductory phone call to discuss your requirements in detail so that we can structure the apprenticeship programme, flexed to your needs.
- We will issue a “Skill Scan” document for your apprentice to complete. This is mapped to the learning outcomes for the apprenticeship and will identify if we need to adjust the apprenticeship for any “Recognition of Prior Learning”.
- Our admin team will then issue apprenticeship documents to your apprentice for completion, including Initial Assessments in Maths and English.
- Your apprentice’s personal tutor will then arrange an induction session on Teams to run through the programme in detail with them. This will effectively be the “1st day of learning” and the Apprenticeship start date.
- Prior to this induction, you will be sent a link to our Apprenticeship platform for confirmation of your agreement to everything and completing “the sign up”. It is important that this is done prior to, or on the day of, the induction and 1st day of learning.
If you are a levy payer:
You will need to access your DAS (Digital Apprenticeship Service) account to invite us to deliver the apprenticeship. For instructions on how to do this please download our “Guide for Levy Paying Employers” here:
If you are a non-levy payer:
If you don’t already have a DAS account, you will need to set one up as soon as possible. Once set up, you can invite us to deliver your chosen apprenticeship on the system. Here is a guide to explain both parts of this process.