Still thinking about it?

Still thinking about enquiring about the Bookkeeping Taster course and Aptitude Test?

We are getting very much into the recruitment time of the year and we will need a little bit of time to set you up with your distinct cohort on our learning platform and to provide you access rights. You will also want to warn your prospective candidates that your interview process will include this practical test at some stage.

Want to have another look at what BAT does for you?

Watch our explanatory video below:

Ready to enquire? No commitment.

Just click on the button below to schedule a call with me at a time to suit you.

Simon Deane

And as promised, here is a photo of a UK bat!

Pipistrelle Bat in a Hat
Common Pipistrelle: Pipistrelles are the commonest British bats, weighing around 5 grams (same as a 20p piece). A single pipistrelle can eat 3,000 tiny insects in just one night!