If it's free, there must be a catch?

A “hook” but no “catch”!

We have restricted this offer to our South West contacts as we are keen for you to have a look at this to see if it is useful. Obviously we would like to work with you and your accounting apprentices when the opportunity arises. We have been acting for some of our clients since 1984 – so we are in this for the long term!

Please click the button below if…

You would like to have a look at a short video explaining what BAT is and how it might help you.


Please click the button below if…

You would like to book a call to discuss our:

  1. Bookkeeping Taster course and Aptitude Test, or
  2. Bookkeeping induction training, or 
  3. Accounting apprenticeships.
Simon Deane

Grey Long-eared Bat: If there are other induction or training services that you feel would be really useful for us to develop, then we would love to hear. We are all ears…..a bit like the bat below!?!

Grey Long Eared in a hat

This bat is generally a little larger than the brown long-eared bat and has a dark face.